ESIF Programme ESF

The Cornwall College Group receives grants from the European Social Fund.

The Cornwall College Group receives grants from the European Social Fund. The European Social Fund (ESF) Operational Programme is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme for England in 2014-2020. It will deliver the Programme’s priorities to increase labour market participation, promote social inclusion and develop the skills of the potential and existing workforce. It will incorporate Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) money for areas with very high rates of youth unemployment.  

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This is a collaborative project led by Cornwall Marine Network which promotes equal access to lifelong learning for people in employment. Project partners, The Cornwall College Group, Truro & Penwith College, Digital Peninsula Network, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, Focus, Dynamo Healthcare and Software Cornwall will deliver skills and training to employed individuals across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, focussing on sectors vital to the economy of the region. Accredited and non-accredited qualifications will upskill individuals, increase productivity and encourage business growth. Cornwall College are providing training within the construction sector to help individuals increase technical and job specific skills and progress within the workplace.

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This is a collaborative project led by Truro and Penwith College to improve the labour market relevance of local training provision.  Project partners are The Cornwall College Group, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Marine Network, Digital Peninsula Network, Kernow Health CIC and Software Cornwall. They will be developing skills and training provision across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by bringing together businesses and educational providers to innovate, create and adapt skills provision to ensure it is accessible, industry relevant and meets the needs of the local economy.  Cornwall College will be engaging with employers in the following sectors health, agriculture/rural, technology, digital, engineering and construction.

For more information email the Project Coordinator at:


This is a collaborative project led by the University of Exeter to improve the labour market relevance of local training provision.  Project Partners are The Cornwall College Group, Falmouth University, Plymouth University and Truro & Penwith College. They will engage with SMEs and micro-businesses in the co-design and piloting of new provision at Level 4 and above to address the skills gaps of local employers in or seeking to enter smart specialisation themes.  Cornwall College will focus on the digital curriculum to include higher-level apprenticeships and short course provision.

For more information email the Project Coordinator at:


This is a collaborative project led by Truro & Penwith College with The Cornwall College Group as a delivery partner.  The project will provide integrated support for Young People aged under 25 that are NEET or at risk of NEET and will engage and support participants into education or employment outcomes.  Cornwall College’s focus is to increase and expand participation in apprenticeships and traineeships and afford additional capacity for pre and post-entry support to enhance progression and retention.

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