Safeguarding and Child Protection

Making sure that you are safe and enjoying your life at college is really important to us so it’s at the centre of all our planning and all that we do. Everyone here at college has an important role to play in safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and adults.

All our staff complete compulsory safeguarding and prevent (extremism & radicalisation) awareness training

We also have trained Safeguarding Officers across all campuses to support our students.  These teams work with Local Safeguarding Boards and other external agencies to create a strong safeguarding culture and safe environment.

We also work in partnership with Operation Encompass

Students will complete personal development and activities that will raise their understanding and awareness of safeguarding and will have trusted staff and support teams to help them. We will always act with individuals to support their safety and best interests.

In line with The Cornwall College values, we believe that everyone, whatever their circumstances, should have the right to feel safe. We will:

  • Promote and support positive mental and physical health
  • Provide access to help and support when a safeguarding or welfare need is identified
  • Work with students and agencies to help to prevent maltreatment or harm
  • Take action to enable all students to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility including students, staff and visitors
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s welfare, please discuss your concerns as soon as possible with any trusted member of staff.  For more information, contact:

For urgent issues out of college hours, please contact the police on 101 or 999 depending on the emergency

The Cornwall College Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Officer, with location and contact details: Landline Mobile
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rebecca Barrington 01209 617956 07920 805852
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Melanie Thomas
Camborne/Duchy Rosewarne, University Centre Eden, University Centre Newquay and
Falmouth Marine School
01209 616377 07776 284930
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Lucy Weaver
Bicton, Duchy Stoke Climsland, St Austell/Plymouth Engineering Skills Centre, Golf College
01579 372391 07815997642
Bicton College 01395 562408 07442 946961
Cornwall College St Austell 01726 226520 07773 651427
Cornwall College Newquay 01637 857937 07468 710233
Cornwall College Camborne/Duchy College Rosewarne 01209 617832 074687 10231
Duchy College Stoke Climsland 01579 372422 07976412526
Eden Project University Centre 01726 226665 07855960783
Falmouth Marine School 01326 310303 07557759685
Residential Team Lead – Bicton
Bicton College Residential Students
01395 562320 07977148270
Residential Team Lead – Duchy Stoke Climsland
Duchy College Residential Students
01579 372314 07773367483
Safeguarding Lead – Tournament Golf College 0797 1186403

Policy Documents

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy-v6

Document Categories: Policy, Safeguarding and Prevent

Publish date: 14 October 2024

Expiry date: N/A

File Type: Adobe PDF

Download File

Prevent (E&R) Policy and Procedure-v5

Document Categories: Policy, Safeguarding and Prevent

Publish date: 14 October 2024

Expiry date: N/A

File Type: Adobe PDF

Download File

Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedure-v6

Document Categories: Policy, Safeguarding and Prevent

Publish date: 14 October 2024

Expiry date: N/A

File Type: Adobe PDF

Download File

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy-Learner

Document Categories: Policy, Safeguarding and Prevent

Publish date: 21 March 2023

Expiry date: N/A

File Type: Adobe PDF

Download File

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To prevent students from becoming radicalised or from holding extremist views that are in opposition to the fundamental British Values.

If you think you or somebody else is being influenced or drawn towards radical or extremist views, please report this as a safeguarding concern.

For concerns out of college hours, please contact the Prevent Team: (01392225130 – 8.30am – 5.00pm) or via police 101 or 999 or email:

Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism by Acting Early – find out more here:  ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation


The Cornwall College Group is committed to protecting everyone from discrimination, bullying, harassment or hate-related behaviour.

In particular, if you are experiencing any hateful language, sexual harassment or have been sexually harmed or abused in any way then tell somebody. This can be done anonymously, although please understand that we would want to support you and be able to deal with those behaving this way.