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Board and Committee Meeting Minutes

Cornwall College is a further education corporation. Further education corporations were incorporated by Parliament under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 (FHEA), as such their powers are limited to those set out in this act as amended by the Learning and Skills Act 2000, the Further Education and Training Act 2007, the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and the Education Act 2011.

The FHEA also states that further education corporations are exempt charities. This means that corporations are required to demonstrate compliance with charity law but the majority of the regulatory provisions of the Charities Act 2011 do not apply.

Further Education Corporations are regulated by an array of bodies but their main regulator is the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) which is the principal funder for most colleges.

The key governing documents for further education corporations are:

  • The Instrument and Articles of Government which prescribes the membership of the governing body and sets out rules for external and internal conduct.
  • The Financial Memorandum with the ESFA which sets out the conditions of funding.
  • The Joint Audit Code of Practice which sets out the mandatory audit requirements for further education colleges

Please see below for the most recent Board Reports & Financial Statements and Meeting Minutes.

Audit and Risk Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes

Board Reports & Financial Statements

Curriculum and Quality Committee Meeting Minutes

Finance and Resources Committee Meeting Minutes

HE Committee Meeting Minutes

Search and Governance Committee Meeting Minutes