Performance Massage Diploma Level 3

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Cornwall College St Austell - 10 September 2025
Level 3 Levels Explained
1 Year
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Course information

The Level 3 Diploma in Performance Massage Therapy is focused towards those seeking to gain employment as a sports massage therapist working with the general public and athletes. The qualification consists of seven mandatory units:

• Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology
• Lifestyle management and health awareness
• Further anaomy and physiology for performance massage
• The principles of soft tissue dysfunction
• Assessing clients and treatment planning
• Application of performance massage
• Providing post-treatment care and advice

Through this qualification you will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to competently apply sport massage methods to dysfunctional tissue and in a pre, post, intra/inter and maintenance massage context. This includes professional practice, expected standards and related legislation and legal requirements.

You will need to complete external work experience for one day a week.

You will develop knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology related to sports massage and the principles of health and fitness which combined will equip you to better understand the athlete, the problems they may be incurring and how sports massage can help. In addition you will develop an understanding of the differences between soft tissue dysfunction and injury and the role that sports massage plays.

Students will be required to read, revise and study at home to support their learning and help prepare for assessment.

To gain this qualification you are required to produce a portfolio of evidence. Evidence may take the following:

• Observed work
• Witness statements
• Audio-visual media
• Evidence of prior learning or attainment
• Written questions
• Oral questions

Models may be required for some of the practise and assessment practical sessions.

Students also get to work on members of the public in the college therapy rooms enhancing your work skills and client contact.

There are no formal prerequisite qualifications that you must have prior to undertaking this qualification. However, a good standard of English and the ability and motivation to self-study as this is a fast track course that requires the student to study to a high standard.

Emphasis is placed on practical learning. Paying clients are to be used for practical assessment.

Practical observation, work book completion and questioning and evidence of massage treatments.

This qualification may lead directly into employment as a Level 3 Sports massage practitioner, providing pre, post, intra/inter and maintenance massage. This may include working in clinics, for sporting teams or as a mobile therapist. This may be in an employed or self-employed context.

It is always an advantage to offer as many different treatments as possible to your clients and at Cornwall College we offer a full range of Holistic qualifications.

You may like to think about one of our other qualifications such as Beauty Therapy, Swedish Massage or Reflexology or a Level 4 Sports Massage Course.

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Course type Adult
Apply now This course will run at Cornwall College St Austell on Wednesdays
Tuition Fees: £1417.00
If you are aged 19 or over, financial support may be available depending on your circumstances and the specific course. Detailed information can be found in our Financial Support Section.
Financial support for ages 19+
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Course Code 10446-STA-25

Courses listed on this website are indicative of the subject, nature and level of study. The College reserves the right to alter specific qualifications titles, awarding bodies and levels of qualification, which can change in year. Any cost may also vary, based on personal funding eligibility. The Cornwall College Group reserves the right to withdraw any course listed at any time.

Performance Massage Diploma Level 3 Level 3 Cornwall College St Austell HairandBeautyTherapy, Massage