Publication Scheme Compliance

The Cornwall College Group is committed to making key documents public

IntroductionWhat is a publication scheme?Publication Schedule


The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires all public authorities (including colleges) to produce a register of all of the types of information that they will make available to the public. This publication scheme follows a model approved by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO):  ICO Model Publication Scheme for FE Colleges

This webpage provides a central electronic portal to access the documents that are available in line with our Publication Scheme across the whole of our website. The document providing full details of our Publication Scheme is available to download here:

What is a publication scheme?

A Publication Scheme describes the information we publish or make available routinely.  The ICO describes seven ‘classes of information’ which a publication scheme must set out; It must also make clear how the information described can be accessed, and whether or not charges will be made. The Classes of Information are:

The Classes of Information are:

Please download our Publication Scheme document for full information, including our charging policy and scale of charges where applicable.

We proactively publish as much information as we can on our website where the information would have a wider public interest. Specific requests from the public for an alternative format or accessible version of any information held by the College can also be made. Individuals have the right to ask if the information exists and to receive it, subject to exemptions which are legitimately applicable such as information covering personal data, security or commercial sensitivity.

Requests must be put in writing or made by e mail and there may be a charge for the information to cover photocopying, postage and packing etc. The contact address is FOI requests, Cornwall College Head Office, Tregonissey Road, St Austell PL25 4DJ or by email to .

In some exceptional circumstances, certain information may be available only by viewing in person.  Where this manner is specified, contact details are also provided within the above document.  An appointment to view the information at our St Austell Campus will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.

This webpage is reviewed on an annual basis and whilst every effort is made to ensure that a link signposts you to the correct area within our wider site or external websites as appropriate to access the information, there may be occasions when it may not work.  In this event, please email to let us know you’ve encountered a problem, and what link it was, and we’ll correct it as soon as we can.

The College has a wholly owned subsidiary company, CCMS (2000) Ltd, trading as Concorde Group, which also has a Publication Scheme.

Publication Schedule

  • KEY
  • Internal website link
  • External website link
  • Email address link


Legal framework, Instrument of Government or Articles of Association 
Organisational Structure 
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Lists of and information relating to organisations we work in partnership with and any companies we wholly or partially own
Location and contact details
Student activities – Student Union


Funding or income sources
Budgetary and account information
Financial audit reports
Capital programme
Financial regulations and procedures
Staff pay and grading structures
Staff allowances and expenses
Governors’ allowances
Register of suppliers
Procurement and tender procedures and reports, and contracts
TU facility time reporting (Local Recognition Agreement)

CLASS 3: What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual report
Self Assessment Report
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Academic quality and standards (HE)
Ofsted Inspection Report
Impact Assessments
External review information – annual monitoring etc.
Corporate relations-working with employers
Government and regulatory reports

CLASS 4: How we make decisions

Minutes, agendas and papers from the governing body, council, academic boards steering groups and committees

CLASS 5: Our policies and procedures

Policies and procedures for conducting college business
Procedures and policies relating to academic services
Procedures and policies relating to student services
School policies and other documents
Procedures and policies relating to human resources
Pay policy
Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
Code of conduct for members of governing bodies
Equality and Diversity policies
Health and Safety
Estate Management
Complaints policies and procedures
Records management, personal data and access to information policies
Charging regimes and policies

CLASS 6: Lists and registers

Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers
ICO Registration
Companies House
Asset registers
Information Asset register
Disclosure logs
Register of interests we keep
Senior staff declaration of interests
Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior staff

CLASS 7: The services we offer

Prospectus and course content
Services for outside bodies
Health including medical services
Welfare and counselling services
Funding, such as grants and bursaries, available to students from the college
Course fees
Careers advice
Services for which the college is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees
Sports and recreational facilities
Facilities relating to music, art and other cultural activities
Conference facilities
Advice and guidance
Media releases