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Students’ Union

Your union, your voice

Your Student Governors

The Cornwall College Board of Governors comprises twenty governors including the Chief Executive Officer and Principal, student and staff members. Governors are collectively responsible for determining the strategic direction of the College and oversight of its activities as well as ensuring the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and safeguarding its assets.

Representing your views is your student governor, voted for by students:

Laurina Fox-Smith

Laurina Fox-Smith

FE Student Governor

Hi, I’m Laurina and I’m your Student Governor or Further Education

I’m currently in my final year of studying Film and Television at St Austell College, and I plan to study English and Creative Writing at University. I also run my own YouTube business centred on the video game franchise The Sims.

From age 8 to 16, I was home schooled and spent those years travelling around Southeast Asia, working with my family to do animal welfare work, primarily in Cambodia.

Despite being home schooled for the majority of my academic life, I still have a passion for education and ensuring it is the best it can possibly be. I believe that learning and enjoying learning are key fundamentals of living a happy life and that we should encourage curiosity in children and adults alike. Upon returning to the education system, I’ve had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz in Poland and become an Ambassador of the Holocaust Educational Trust, attend the 2024 Shining Star Awards ceremony, as I was lucky to win the Students’ Student award, and I’ve been a COURSE Rep for the entirety of last year and now this year too.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing, playing the piano and visiting National Trust properties.

Nik Ramsay-Trease

Nik Ramsay-Trease

HE Student Governor

My name is Nik Ramsay-Trease and I’m currently studying for a Level 5 Diploma in Counselling. I have an academic background in Psychology & Neuroscience and throughout my career have had experience of Senior leadership roles in the IT industry. I believe in fostering a growth mindset and champion learning and development in higher education. I’m delighted to have been offered the opportunity to volunteer as a Student Governor representing HE this year and I am so excited to learn with and from my fellow students over the course of my appointment.

I believe it indispensable that we should all feel safe, valued, empowered, and respected in our place of study, and my hope is that I may be able to use this post to advocate alongside my fellow students as you pursue the aims that matter to you.

Your Students’ Union representatives

The Cornwall College Student Union (CCSU) represents all students across the whole college. All students are automatically members of CCSU and it is one way of having your voice heard at Cornwall College.

The CCSU is run by an elected President and Vice-President who have the support of the Executive Leadership Team. 

Malaika Hailey

Malaika Hailey


Student Union President


Freya Hill

Freya Hill



Want to be involved?

The CCSU exists to represent your voice and to make sure you have a great time while you are a student with us.  Every campus has a Chair and Vice-Chair and a team of elected student officers who work hard all year to ensure that you have a great student experience on campus. This can range from organising clubs and trips to enrichment and fundraising.  Your campus CCSU is also just one of the ways where your voice can be heard to improve your experience and raise any campus issues.

Benefits of being involved

Students who participate in the Student Union gain a massive amount of experience and confidence in organising and achieving as well as making new friends and standing out from the crowd.  Other benefits are:

  • Social interaction
  • Working as part of a team
  • Transferable life skills
  • Looks great on your CV/UCAS application
  • Confidence building
  • Making a difference to your campus and own your own campus budget
  • Social action
  • Being part of change at Cornwall College by Having Your Say!

  Find us on Facebook

Campus Facebook groups can be found here

Bicton College 


Duchy College Stoke Climsland               https://www.facebook.com/StudentExperienceDuchyStoke

Duchy College Rosewarne

Eden and Newquay

Falmouth Marine School 

St Austell